How Can We Assist you?
Singer Industrial Sales has been representing quality manufacturers of Mechanical and Electrical Power Transmission Products, Motion Control Products and Automation Components in the Central United States for more than 50 years. We provide professional product sales, selection and recommendation, engineering assistance and product support.
We are proud to be recognized as one of the premier sales representative organizations in the Midwest. We value the relationship that we have with the companies that we represent and the customers that we serve.
We pride ourselves on having the expertise, knowledge and experience to assist customers in finding the ultimate solution to any design problem they may encounter.
If you are in the early planing stages of your next new project, we are your best source for advice and recommendations to design and develop the quality products you are planning to create.
The companies that we represent are on the cutting edge of technology and always developing new products that you may use to improve the life, performance and capabilities of your products. Let us help you make your products the best they can be!
Singer Industrial sales, llc
We are a professional sales team that will work hard to provide the companies that we represent with the most effective promotional efforts and coverage in the area.
Our customers recognize the value of our knowledge, expertise and dedication to their best interests and trust us to present them with the best products to fit their needs.